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Water Rights Allocation Program (WRAP)

On-line Services

One of the Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission’s (OSE/ISC) strategic goals is to "Make Water Resource Management Information Accessible to the Public." The following on-line services are provided by the OSE/ISC to meet the water management information needs of the public.

New Mexico Water Rights Reporting System (NMWRRS) - provides on-line access to OSE well reports, well permits, driller license reports, point of diversion reports, UTM conversion tool and subdivision reports.

Real Time Water Measurement Information System - The New Mexico Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission (OSE/ISC) engages in Active Water Resource Management (AWRM). This allows the State Engineer to actively manage the state's limited water resources while administering water rights and interstate compacts throughout the state. In order to do this, the OSE/ISC maintains a network of stream, acequia, ditch and well monitoring sites that electronically transmits data values via radio and satellite telemetry and stores the data in a database. This real-time water measurement data is available for each active gage/well shown on select basin maps.

NM OSE Open Data site - This site is set up for agency transparency for allowing the public and other agencies access to downloadable data from the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer.

Irrigation Calculator - The NM Landscape Irrigation “Smart” Calculator works like a “smart” controller. “Smart” controllers work by monitoring and using information about site conditions (such as evapotranspiration, soil type, plant type, microclimates and more), and applying the right amount of water based on those factors to maintain healthy growing conditions.

New Mexico Plant List - In an effort to instruct New Mexicans in the art of using outdoor water more efficiently, the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer, in collaboration with the US Bureau of Reclamation, is providing an expert-recommended list of low-water use, native or adaptive plants that thrive in our climate and save water